





I believe in Your Power to Heal

It's never too late to reconnect with who you've always been. When you're ready, I'm here to help you make that happen. 

Third Eye Meditation

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Soul Reconnection begins with our Intuition. Listen to this meditation to help you re-ignite what you've always known. 

Manifestation Guide

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The Laws of the Universe underpin everything we attract into our lives. Read through this Manifestation Guide to begin your journey as the powerful manifestor that you are. 

01  What is Soulful Living?

08 Choosing Your Soul Purpose, Scarcity Consciousness & Ancestral Healing

11 Rediscovering Your Unique Energetic Blueprint Through Human Design

13 Feminine Embodiment, S£x Magick and the Power of Healing through Breathwork

10 Hormone Syncing, Cycle Phases & Navigating PMS

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Soulful Living with Georgia Pitfield is a podcast dedicated to reclaiming our true identity and rediscovering who we were before the world got in the way. Each episode dives into the different ways we can strip back societal conditioning and form a deeper connection with the self, learning about who we really are, what we really want and how to honour our soul purpose. 

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client Testimonials


It's been only 3 days from my last session with Georgia, but the improvement I am already seeing in my life and in my self love is absolutely incredible! She created a very safe space for me to open up with her, dig deep into myself and share my weaknesses.Everyone should invest in Georgia and her programs, as she's extremely kind, clearly knowledgeable and super passionate about these important topics.


Georgia has such a warm, kind soul. Her meditation was so immersive, I felt at ease and it enabled me to connect deeply to myself and find the answers I was looking for. I gained great clarity, insight and peace of mind. I left feeling confident of the next step in my journey. Thanks Georgia for enabling me to move forward with confidence. 


Had the most amazing 9 Card Angel Oracle read by the wonderful Georgia. Have you ever just felt like the universe has sent you something exactly when you need it the most? I felt like I was in a slump and now I feel like I know exactly what I need to do for things to fall in to place, for my energy to be refreshed and let go of negative energies and embrace what my guardian angels intend.